

2655 Uppsatser om Discussion board - Sida 1 av 177

Att kunna rita en perfekt cirkel är super : En jämförande studie om hur lärare använder smartboards i undervisningen

The purpose of the study is to examine how the teachers in second grade use SMART Board and compare two schools.The process I used was qualitative interviews and classrooms observations. Previous studies shows how widely SMART Board is used in classrooms, and this has also been shown in my study. The study shows how differently SMART Board is used in the classrooms, and how important education in the technology of SMART Board is to achieve in the classroom. The final discussion clearly shows similarities and differences in the use of SMART Board in different classrooms and also the teachers? thoughts about SMART Board as a tool.A central aspect in the use of SMART Board shows how important the basic education in SMART Board is.

Utveckling av I/O-modul för trafikskyltsystem

This thesis has been carried out in collaboration with LEDtec International AB. LEDtec focuses on innovative solutions in LED screens. Everything from large advertising signs to welcome signs in cities, to screens indicating speeds or warning of heavy traffic. The task was to was to help them develop a new version of the control board that is used in some of their products. The reason for this is that their old control board is obsolete and the components that are on it, is no longer manufactured or in need to be renewed.

Styrelsearbete över tid - En studie av företagsutvecklingens påverkan på styrelsearbetet i ett onoterat svenskt familjeföretag

In this study we have focused on how board work is affected by companies growth and development. This research has been conducted through a case study of Teleopti AB, a private Swedish family-owned company, together with theory and literature studies. We have studied the development of Teleopti since its founding in 1992 until today and what impact this company's development has had on Teleopti's board work and composition during the same period. Through the study we came to the conclusion that Teleopti's board work has gone from being supportive and advisory to more professional with a higher degree of board involvement. This change has been caused by the reduced information asymmetries, the increased need for board's expertise, the new board dynamics and the CEO change caused by the company's growth..

Styrelseproffs - Finns de?

During the past two decades a new expression has emerged in Swedish business linguistics: Styrelseproffs (appr. Board Professional). The aim of this paper is to study whether a board member legitimately can be considered a professional. This is investigated through the eyes of the theoretical framework of professionalization. The empirical data is collected through interviews and presents the perspective of people considered to be Board Professionals.

Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län : En arkivhandledning

The County Administrative Board is an authority with big variations in their work. The fact that the County Administrative Board work with so many different issues makes it difficult for the general public to get an insight in what they do and what kind of archival material they create. This handbook is made to illustrate what the County Administrative Board do and how you can find your way to the archives and its documents, both as an employ and as a public visitor.The Handbook begins with a historical overview of the County Administrative Board, from the 17th century to today, with focus on the County Administrative Board of Uppsala. As the Handbook is made for both employees and for the general public several ways to enter the archives are described.Since the employees at the County Administrative Board of Uppsala have access to the archives them self the Handbook also provides detailed descriptions about how to find the way to the records. These descriptions both explains the way to archives organized in dossier and archives organized in chronological order, both provided at County Administrative Board of Uppsala.All the records that the County Administrative Board of Uppsala has generated though the years are not available in the building of the County Administrative Board but at The National Archive in Uppsala.

Externa styrelseledamöter i ägarledda företag - vad externa styrelseledamöter kan bidra med och vilka de vanligaste svårigheterna för ägarna är

The work of the board in owner-managed firms often differ compared to the work of the board in large listed companies. Since the owners are working in different roles, the board in owner-managed firms might discuss topics outside the typical boards agenda, such as questions relating to ownership structure and operational matters. This thesis examines what external board members can contribute with in owner-managed firms, and which the most frequent difficulties are for the owners when deciding to recruit external board members. Through qualitative interviews, three owner-managed firms have been studied, which together with two expert interviews and five seminars, creates the empirics. In the analysis, the empirics are compared to what the earlier theory states.

Är du myndig så är du : En kvalitativ studie om insatser för ensamkommande barn.

This is a qualitative study about unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Funktionshindrade brukare om mötet med professionella hjälpare : En uppsats om stigmatisering och makt

This is a qualitative study about unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Bemötande online : En analys av kommunikation på anonyma och icke anonyma forum utifrån Amanda Todds bera?ttelse

This is a qualitative study about unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Styrelsesammansättningens påverkan på revisorsarvodet

Introduction:By insight in the company and by monitoring the management, the board has an important function in creating trust in governance of the company. Furthermore, the board reduces the asymmetry of information between the owners and the management, which also is the function of the auditor, by auditing how the board governs the company and the accounting. In case the board does not effectively monitor the management, the auditor has to extend its monitoring, which increases the owners agency costs through the audit fee. The board composition can affect how effectively the board practices the monitoringProblem: How is the audit fee affected by the board composition?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how the board composition affects the audit fee.Method: The study uses a quantitative method, where the data was collected from the annual reports of 112 limited companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Large and Mid Cap lists on January 2, 2012.

Samverkan mellan grundskolan och gymnasiets IV-program : ? en studie utifrån ett organisationsteoretiskt perspektiv

The aim for this study is to investigate how the cooperation between teachers from nine-years compulsory school and comprehensive upper secondary school is organized in a Swedish municipality, based on the formulation in the Swedish curriculum. My idea is to see how the cooperation is organized, when it comes to information about pupils who haven?t passed the qualifications to upper secondary school, especially in Mathematics.Lennart Lundquist?s basic ideas about the qualities of the one who is guided, in this case the teacher, underlie my study when it comes to the directions from the school board.I carried out my study in a Swedish municipality, where I interviewed teachers at two different compulsory schools and one upper secondary school. I also let the school board become a part of my study, as they received a minor questionnaire.The results of my study points out that there is much to be done when it comes to cooperation between the teachers from different school levels. The interviewed teachers points out that they lack knowledge about each other and they ask for more physical meetings to start cooperation.

Erfarenhetsåterföring : Diskussionsforum ett nytt verktyg för erfarenhetsåterföringen

 AbstractThis is a bachelor?s thesis within the program society development on the collage Mälardalenshögskola. The subject that will be handled is knowledge recycling, this intervenes very wellwith the program I am undergoing, and this is because Construction Company?s does ingeneral do the same mistakes over and over again. In the long run this will mean higher endprices for the end user.

Datainsamlingskort med Compact PCI Express

In this thesis a prototype board for data aqcusition is designed and manufactured. The board is compliant with Compact PCI Express and it can sample an analog signal with two time interleaved ADC:s. Furthermore, the board is also equiped with one FPGA for the possibility of signal processing. The thesis also include a study for investigation what is needed for a total solution for data aqcusition, represention and managing the sampled data with LabView..

An Evaluation of the Corporate Governance System at Smartner Information Systems Ltd -

In order to survive constant economic, environmental and political challenges, it has appeared to become increasingly important for a firm to recognize the significance of corporate governance. In this thesis, the structure of the board at Smartner Ltd will be outlined and the relationship between the board members and the CEO will be clarified. In addition, the aim is to analyze the corporate governance system at Smartner Ltd to be able to outline and clarify the distinct relationship between the CEO and board of directors..

Styrelsen och samhällsansvaret - En studie om hur styrelsesammansättningen påverkar CSR-prestation i svenska börsbolag

The composition of the board of directors and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are two widely researched subject and discussed by the media. This study aims to examine the impact of the board of directors' composition on CSR performance among the largest companies listed on Nasdaq OMX stock exchange 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden. A linear regression analysis is applied to investigate the relationship and evidence is found that board attributes have an effect on CSR performance. Among these; the size of the board, outside directors and employee representatives all have a positive impact on environmental performance. Furthermore; female, outside directors and employee representatives have a positive impact on social performance.

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